The Ann and Ray Messer Foundation

Please read the Essential Information before applying. 

The Ann & Ray Messer Foundation has two primary aims: 

  1. To support children and young people aged 11-25 and can consider community projects that focus on mental health and wellbeing (priority will be given to projects that support young people in crisis and prevention of suicide).
  1. To support older people and consider projects that help to reduce isolation, improve health, build friendships and help people to learn a new skill or develop a new interest.

How much is available? 

Grants of up to £2000.

Who can apply?

Registered charities, community groups with a constitution or set of rules in the group’s name, social enterprises

Which areas are covered? 


Any special criteria:

As this fund focuses its support on smaller grassroots organisations, applicants must have an annual income under £150k to be considered for this fund.

Examples of the sorts of projects that may be funded:

-       Activities such as sports, dance and fitness projects for older people

-       Health awareness, advice and information for older people

-       Healthy eating and cooking courses for older people

-       Support groups and counselling services for children or young people with mental health issues

-       Projects tackling the issue of bullying with young people

-       Crisis support for young people and their families

Closing date: Monday 22nd July 2024
, though please note that the fund may close sooner if enough applications are received prior to this date. Decisions will be made at the end of August so projects should commence from September. 

How to apply?

Please visit the Community Foundation for Merseyside’s website and complete an online application form, which can be accessed from the Ann & Ray Messer Foundation fund page. You can attach the documents listed below to the online application form or email them separately to within seven days after submission.

Documents which need to be included with your application:

1. A copy of the group’s rules or constitution

2. A copy of the group’s latest annual accounts or income/expenditure document

3. A list of your current Trustees/Directors/Management Committee (you must have at least three unrelated trustees or directors or committee members in place to be eligible)

4. A copy of a recent bank statement for your group

5. A copy of the group’s current Safeguarding Policy.

All applicants must ensure that they hold relevant policies and procedures in place to undertake activities, such as DBS checks and/or a health and safety policy, depending on proposed activity. If unsure about what you need, please contact the Community Foundation for help (details below).

The following items cannot be supported via the fund:

-       Statutory organisations or work that is their responsibility

-       National organisations that cannot demonstrate local governance and control of local finances

-       Commercial ventures

-       CIC’s Limited by Shares

-       Purchase/maintenance of vehicles

-       Activities that will have already taken place before we offer you a grant

-       Politically connected or exclusively religious activities

-       Projects for personal profit

-       Organisations that are set up for the benefit of animals or plants: environmental groups that work with animals or the environment (such as city farms) are acceptable

-       Groups comprising just one family or those that have less than 3 Trustees/Management Committee/Directors

-       Debts and other liabilities

-       Reclaimable VAT

-       Travel outside UK


What happens next?

Completed applications are considered by Community Foundation staff to check eligibility. You may be contacted for more information after applying and then a decision-making panel will make recommendations based on the fund’s criteria and the budget available. You will be notified of the decision, either way, by email.

For further information please contact us at:

Community Foundation for Merseyside  

Third Floor,

Stanley Building,

43 Hanover Street,


L1 3DN


T: 0330 440 4900



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