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Your support matters and we thank each and every one of you. Together we can make a difference.

The Very Group
The Very Group Fund currently supports the Coram Beanstalk Charity, which helps adults and young people to improve their reading.

1892 Foundation
Accountancy and advisory firm MHA launched its own North West regional charitable foundation in 2023. The 1892 Foundation funds projects that promote financial literacy and nurture career and life skills for young people.
“We’re committed to improving access to financial education to equip the next generation with essential economic skills, something that is not always covered as part of the curriculum in schools. We’ve supported several projects and organisations through the Community Foundation so partnering with them to establish the 1892 Foundation was the natural next step in building on our partnership with this fantastic cause.”Graham Gordon, Regional Chair

Jamie Carragher 23 Foundation
Jamie Carragher created the 23 Foundation in 2009, to help make a difference to the young people of Merseyside. His aim is to ‘help to give local kids a chance’.
“The 23 Foundation is proud to be working closely with the Community Foundation for Merseyside. In addition to the fund, we support over 1000 good causes every calendar year including foodbanks. This year is our 15th anniversary and from Jamie Carragher and all of us here, we are very grateful for your support.”Mike Lepic, Head of the 23 Foundation
As well as supporting sick, disabled, and disadvantaged children, the 23 Foundation also helps community organisations providing services, including those tackling the cause of youth disadvantage and providing information, education and skills to empower young people to go on to further education or employment. The fund also supports projects that improve children’s and young people’s health.

ACC Liverpool Foundation
The fund offers grants for local community groups and voluntary organisations who deliver projects aimed at supporting diverse communities, young people and LGBTQ+, reducing social isolation, and those that address poverty and homelessness.
“Our hometown means the world to us, and we’re proud to be able to support some of the brilliant grassroots projects in Liverpool City Region. The fund provides a direct line into our local community allowing us to make a difference where it counts.”Kerry Villa, Chief Operating Officer

Alfred Shaw Trust Fund
This fund supports community projects in Runcorn, including educational and diversionary projects for children and young people, and projects which help to reduce social isolation for older people.

BHP Billiton Fund
The BHP Billiton Fund focuses on enhancing and conserving the local physical environment to benefit the wider community and improve people’s lives.
The fund aims to support the development of green space in urban areas and nature conservation, encourage recycling, and help tackle pollution.

Big Local Fund
The Beechwood, Ballantyne and Bidston Village Big Local Partnership is the resident-led body responsible for managing the Big Local Programme in the local area, part of a £200 million investment by the Big Lottery Fund to support 150 neighbourhoods in England to make their area more resilient, confident and a good place to live.
Each Big Local area has been awarded £1 million to be spent over a period of up to 10 years to bring about the long-term sustainable changes that are important to their local community.

Blue Sky Foundation
The Blue Sky Foundation supports a wide range of projects that promote the health and well-being of children, young people and their families.

Community Cash Back Fund
Using assets recovered through the Proceeds of Crime Act, this fund with Merseyside Police looks to make funding available for community projects that offer crime prevention initiatives or promote diversionary activities, such as prevention of anti-social behaviour, diversion away from criminal gangs and promoting diversity, equality and inclusion.

Evelyn Partners Merseyside Charitable Fund
Evelyn Partners are a leading investment and financial planning firm. This fund was created to make a significant, positive impact on young people’s lives by supporting educational initiatives, health and wellbeing, and employability projects across both Merseyside and Halton.
A key objective is to help young people learn new skills and maximize their potential by helping them improve their life chances and become more active and engaged in their own communities.

Football for Change
Football for Change brings together football stars and business leaders with a collective goal to change the lives of young people in some of the most deprived communities in the UK. Launched by football icons including Trent Alexander-Arnold, Jamie Carragher and Conor Coady, Football for Change supports young people by funding life-changing projects in education, employment and sport.
Football for Change is investing in young people who face social and economic barriers and aims to support them in achieving their full potential.

FPC Foundation Fund
Established for over 40 years, Financial Planning Corporation (FPC) is an independent financial planning and wealth management firm. The FPC Foundation supports a range of projects which primarily focus on financial inclusion and supporting people with managing personal finances.
“We set up the FPC Foundation so we might extend support, using our resources, expertise, and network, to the communities around us – increasing financial literacy to help enable financial confidence for all, along with other related assistance.”Moira O’shaughnessy, Managing Partner
Funding also includes projects which reduce social isolation, encourage more interaction, and provide advice and guidance to people who have become unemployed.

Consectur dolor amet
The Halton Foundation Fund aims to help people suffering hardship and poverty who are in desperate need of support. It comprises of four separate funds.
“The Halton Foundation is a really important way of getting local investment to small grass roots groups. Without the help and support of the Community Foundation we would not have been able to get these much-needed funds back in use and out to groups and individuals in Halton.”Sally Yeoman, Chief Officer
The Knights House Fund and Widnes Educational Fund specifically support both community groups and individuals in Widnes, the Halton Chamber of Commerce Fund covers the whole Halton area to help build capacity of community organisations, and the general Halton Foundation Fund supports initiatives in Runcorn.

High Sheriff and Merseyside Police Charitable Fund
The High Sheriff and Merseyside Police Charitable Fund aims to work with charities and community groups in Merseyside to support community safety, crime prevention and security initiatives in their locality.
A key focus it to enable the provision of diversionary activities that engage children and young people, reducing their vulnerability to crime and engaging in anti-social behaviour.

Hill Dickinson Fund
Hill Dickinson is an international law firm which has been headquartered in Liverpool for over 200 years. The Hill Dickinson Foundation aims to make a positive contribution to the communities in which the firm operates by supporting local grassroots organisations and projects.
The fund’s main focus is on addressing homelessness, mental health, employability and food poverty.

Investec Wealth & Investment Fund
Investec offers international financial solutions to its private, institutional and corporate clients both abroad and in the UK. With an office in Liverpool, this fund supports a diverse range of projects across the city region, which are presented to the donor by the Community Foundation based on local need.

John Goore Fund
The John Goore Fund supports individuals living in the Lydiate area of Sefton, who are entering or continuing with higher education or training. This also includes adults who may need to re-train, perhaps after a period of unemployment or redundancy.

Joseph Harley Fund
The main objective of the Joseph Harley Fund is to help young people aged 25 or under, and living in Formby, to undertake projects or activities that are based around education, cultural or training activities.

Knowsley Foundation
Current Knowsley Foundation Trust funds include:
The Fred Curran Trust aims to improve the lives of people with disabilities in Knowsley, through supporting community groups who provide sporting opportunities which improve skills and help individuals become more active.
The Huyton with Roby Trust funds a wide range of charitable projects which provide support, and the prevention and relief of poverty for those residing in the area.
“I’m delighted that the Chamber was one of the Knowsley Foundation’s founding partners. The fund is as relevant today as it was when it was established because it helps to make a difference, and in turn has a positive impact on the community.”Lesley Martin-Wright, Chief Executive

Medicash Fund
The Medicash Fund supports voluntary and community groups across Merseyside delivering projects which will improve the health and well-being of the local communities.
” The Medicash Foundation is committed to funding projects for which there is a clear need and where a real difference can be made to people’s lives. We are proud to work alongside the Community Foundation for Merseyside, helping to improve the health and well-being of our local communities.”Sue Weir, Chief Executive

The Momentum Group, based in Liverpool, is a family of businesses providing end-to-end property solutions. The fund focuses on helping the sustainability of organisations, to help to reduce carbon emissions and utility bills of community assets.
“The Momentum Foundation has helped local community groups with projects through funding in the past. Last year community groups from across the Liverpool City Region were able to apply for funding for sustainability improvements in order to reduce their utility costs.”Karl Clawley, Associate Director
The Foundation has also previously supported the Merseyside Women’s Fund and the Liverpool City Region LCR Cares Fund.

Big Local Trust – Northwood
Northwood Together is the resident-led body responsible for managing the Big Local Programme in the local area, part of a £200 million investment by the Big Lottery Fund to support 150 neighbourhoods in England to make their area more resilient, confident and a good place to live.
Each Big Local area has been awarded £1 million to be spent over a period of up to 10 years to bring about the long-term sustainable changes that are important to their local community.

The Olivia Rae Foundation was stablished by the family of Olivia Rae Clee-Barnett from Wirral, in loving memory of their daughter. The Foundation supports local young people to realise and develop their potential by undertaking new opportunities and activities that they may not otherwise have the chance to take part in.
“We believe it is the rightful place of every young person to stand confident and engaged within their community, open to existing opportunities, supported in creating new ones and unhampered by social, financial, educational, or cultural barriers and constraints.”Ken Barnett, Olivia Rae Foundation

Peels Ports 500 Fund
Peels Ports 500 Fund is a long established fund and supports those projects which help disadvantaged people living in the port’s operational area – including Bootle, Birkenhead and Runcorn.

Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner
The Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner’s Youth Diversion Fund supports community groups to deliver projects with children and young people, helping to reduce crime through diversionary activity at key parts of the year, such as summer school holidays and the Halloween and Bonfire Night period.

Sefton MBC Trust Funds
The Sefton MBC Educational Trust Fund supports young people in Sefton with grants towards education costs. The fund is currently used to match fund grants with the Education and Learning Fund and John Goore Trust.
The Sefton MBC Education and Learning Fund supports the advancement of education for young people, aged 25 years or under, living in Sefton.

Ann and Ray Messer Foundation Fund
The Ann and Ray Messer Foundation supports projects which help children and young people aged 11-25. The main focus is on enhancing mental health and well-being, supporting young children in crisis and preventing suicide.
The Foundation also supports older people by funding projects which help to reduce isolation, improve health, build friendships and help people to learn a new skill or develop a new interest.

Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership
The fund is targeted at arts, culture and sports activities that support young people aged under 25 years who may be more vulnerable to experiencing violence.
This could be due to a lack of self-esteem, experiencing challenges at home, they may live in a community where drugs and alcohol are prevalent, or the community may lack infrastructure and accessible services. All these factors are recognised as increasing vulnerability to experiencing violence and/or exploitation.

W O Street Fund Merseyside
The W O Street Fund support projects which help to advance education and tackle poverty. The focus is on children and young people who are unable to meet their educational or living costs, and projects for older people, visually impaired and disabled people, particularly those who cannot afford medical or convalescent care.

Bernie Fleming Aintree Lung Cancer Fund
The fund supports end of life care services at Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
“After Bern’s death in Aintree we wanted to support the Swan in ensuring every death is the best it possibly can be. We get one chance and the Swan team need support in this vital work for patients and families.”Cath Fleming, Swan Patient Advocate

Christine Ann Foundation
The Christine Ann Foundation supports children and young people who come from disadvantaged backgrounds, or have experienced difficult, challenging or stressful situations, and need support to improve their life chances.
The Merseyside Community Investment Fund aims to bring together businesses, organisations and individuals to address urgent social issues, whilst making a modest financial commitment to collectively achieve a greater impact towards the improvement of our communities. This fund can be used to respond to local issues of concern to the community.

Roy & Louise Rossiter Foundation Fund
The Roy & Louise Rossiter Foundation Fund currently supports Bluebell Park School in Kirkby, Knowsley, helping to provide a higher quality of resources and activities.

The Fred Mill Trust
The Fred Mill Fund was created to support a wide range of charitable projects which focus on improving the well-being of the local community – including tackling poverty, hardship, or other disadvantage. The fund supports our Merseyside Women’s Fund and also supports projects that help to reduce isolation for older people.

The Merseyside Women’s Fund
In 2018 the Merseyside Women’s Fund was established by the Community Foundation for Merseyside after our national membership body, UK Community Foundations (UKCF), secured a record £3.4m award from the DCMS Tampon Scheme. We received £70,000 from the allocation to enable us to launch the new Fund, which allowed us to respond to those issues effecting girls and women in Merseyside. The Merseyside Women’s Fund aims to raise £1m to ensure we continue to support local women.
The vision of the Merseyside Women’s Fund is to break down the barriers that affect girls and women in the region.

The Windle Utd Fund
This fund supports a wide range of charitable projects in the St Helens area which target children and young people, the elderly, and people with disabilities. Key areas of focus include prevention and relief of poverty, accommodation and housing, educations and training, and health and well-being.