High Sheriff and Merseyside Police Charitable Fund

Please read the Essential Information before applying. 

Background Information: 

The High Sheriff and Merseyside Police Charitable Fund (“the fund”) aims to work with voluntary bodies and community groups in Merseyside to support community safety, crime prevention and security initiatives in their locality.

What is the focus of the fund: 

All applications must meet the following objectives of the fund: 

The fund will consider core costs to enable groups to continue to carry out activities that meet the fund’s focus.  The fund will also consider projects that aim to reduce and prevent crime-related issues that have been exacerbated by COVID-19:

The fund’s criteria are reviewed and revised in line with the latest available guidance and evidence, from relevant research, and expert advice. To ensure the activities in your grant application reflect current best practice, and is therefore more likely to have a better chance of success, you may find the following toolkits useful: the College of Policing and Youth Endowment Fund.

Any special criteria: 

Groups should have been constituted for at least 12 months before seeking funding.

Applicants must provide a letter of support for the project, ideally from a PCSO (Police Community Support Officer), traffic community support officer or similar referee. 

The panel will not normally fund CCTV systems, security measures or similar pieces of equipment but will consider any applications for these items on a case-by-case only basis and will base its decision on the merits of the individual application. 

NB: The donor has discretion to also commission applications.

How much is available: 

The maximum grant available is £2,500

Which areas are covered: 
Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St. Helens and Wirral.

Closing Date:

The next closing date is 5pm on Monday 16th October 2023 however due to a limited budget the fund may close earlier when sufficient applications are received.

Decisions will be communicated by Mid-December

How to apply?

Please visit the Community Foundations for Lancashire and Merseyside’s website - www.cfmerseyside.org.uk and complete an online application form. Once you have submitted the online application you will need to send the documents listed below. If you do not submit all the relevant documents within 7 days your application will be withdrawn.  You can now attach the documents to your online application, email them to applications@cflm.org.uk or post them to the address below.


Documents which need to be included with your application:

1. A copy of the group’s rules or constitution

2. A copy of the group’s latest annual accounts or income/expenditure document

3. A list of your current Trustees/Management Committee Members/Directors

4. A copy of a recent bank statement for your group (within the last 3 months).

5. A copy of the group’s current Safeguarding Policy. All applicants must ensure that they hold relevant policies and procedures in place to undertake activities, such as Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks and/or a health and safety policy, depending on proposed activity. If unsure about what you need, please contact the Community Foundation for help (details below)


NB: If you have received a grant from the Community Foundation in the last 12 months and have already submitted copies of the above documents, you do not need to send them again. However, a recent bank statement is required with every application (see Point 4 above).


The following items cannot be supported via the fund:


What happens next?

Completed applications are considered by Community Foundation staff to check eligibility. You may be contacted for more information after applying and a decision-making panel will make recommendations based on the fund’s criteria and the budget available.  

Decisions will be communicated by mid-December 2023


For further information, please contact

Community Foundations for Lancashire & Merseyside

Third Floor, Stanley Building

43 Hanover Street
L1 3DN

T: 0330 440 4900      

Email: applications@cflm.org.uk



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