LCR Cares COVID-19 Community Support Fund (Co-op Fund)

LCR Cares – COVID 19 Community Support Fund (Co-op Fund) 

Metro Mayor Steve Rotheram in partnership with the Community Foundation for Merseyside and with funding from the National Emergencies Trust launched the LCR Cares fund at the end of March 2020.  The overall aim of the fund is to support local voluntary and community organisations that are helping vulnerable people impacted by the Covid-19 crisis.

Funding has now been received from the Co-op, thanks to monies raised over the summer through purchases from the Co-op’s picnic range. This is restricted funding that can only go towards sustainable food poverty programmes which tackle Co-op’s funding priorities detailed below:

REDISTRIBUTION - We will actively redistribute our surplus food to the people who need it most in our communities

ACCESS - We will provide easy access to nutritious food and balanced meals for customers with a limited budget

UPSKILLING - We will help to educate and upskill customers on low cost meal solutions, limiting food waste and shopping smartly

YOUNG PEOPLE - We will support future generations by prioritising the wellbeing of children and young people struggling with food insecurity

COMMUNITIES* - food programmes for vulnerable communities delivered in those communities

*this is a key priority to note as whilst it includes emergency food, it also includes all programmes that address food insecurity and its impacts.

Examples of what could be funded

 The types of programmes that this funding could support are:

All funding needs to be spent by July 2021


Who can apply?

Voluntary, community and faith organisations, registered charities, social businesses, churches, PTAs and parish/town councils. We also welcome applications from newly established groups though please note the requirements below on documentation required.


How much is available?

Grants of up to £3,000 are available, but the panel has discretion to award higher amounts subject to available funding. We can accept applications from organisations who have previously received funding as long as the original funding has been spent and monitoring provided. Depending on available funds, priority may be given to organisations who have not been awarded a grant from the fund previously. Please note we will have to take into account previous grants to ensure we are able to support as many community organisations as possible.


What cannot be funded?

Closing date is Friday 13 November 2021.

Documents which need to be included with your application:

1. A copy of your governing document.* If you do not have a governing document in place yet you can still apply, provided you can supply a list of 3 people involved in the running of your organisation, have safeguarding arrangements in place and are able to nominate another organisation to hold the funds.

2. A copy of your latest annual accounts or income/expenditure document*^ (if a new organisation then evidence of your bookkeeping records)

3. A copy of a recent bank statement for your group. If you do not have a bank account in place, you must be able to nominate another organisation to hold the funds (CVS, another local charity, church etc.)

4. A list of your Trustees/Directors/Management Committee members*

5. A copy of your current Safeguarding Policy*. All applicants must ensure that they hold relevant policies and procedures in place to undertake activities, such as Criminal Records Bureau checks and/or a health and safety policy, depending on proposed activity. If unsure, we recommend taking advice from your local CVS.

*If you have applied to us within the last 12 months and provided this information we do not need you to send it again.

^ If you are a registered Charity or Company Ltd by Guarantee, and we can obtain this information from the Charity Commission or Companies House register, you do not need to send it to us.

What happens next?

Completed applications are considered by Community Foundation staff to check eligibility. You may be contacted for more information after applying and a decision making panel will make recommendations based on the fund’s criteria and the budget available.  You should hear the outcome of your application within 3 weeks of the closing date.


Community Foundation for Merseyside

Third Floor, Stanley Building, 43 Hanover Street,

Liverpool, L1 3DN


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