Catalyst Performing Arts uses Police Property Act funding to raise awareness of the dangers of drinking in a creative and innovative way.

Catalyst delivers a variety of arts-based workshops to young people aged between 12 and 24 years from socially disadvantaged backgrounds who are often low achievers at school.  The project aims to introduce young people to drama, dance and other arts skills in order to discover their own creative potential.  Having been awarded ££4,800 from the Police Property Act fund, Catalyst worked with a group of young people to produce two songs, together with their own music videos, about the risks of alcohol consumption.

Dorcas, a participant originally from the Congo, said, "It was great being part of the project; I participated because the issue that it wanted to promote was something that is not talked about as much as it should and it was great that the issue was able to be [put] across creatively.”

To view the music videos please follow the links below:

"Drink Down"

 "The Bottle" 

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